Thursday, October 20, 2005

Finally Home

Wow...what a night. Three kids crammed in a pickup, a dog and cat in the back, countless bags and my husband and I drove all night to get back to Montana. It was about 4 in the morning when I hit the continental divide and realized just how much I missed those beautiful mountains full of trees. We did stop on a dirt road and let the animals out to do their duty and I told my husband that I suddenly had an urge to go camping.
Right now I am so tired I can hardly type this blog messege. But dinner still isn't made and Survivor is on tonight and you know I can't miss that. Hubby can't wait to get to the sports store and start spending money on hunting supplies. Why would anyone want to go camping in the cold and rain?? He apparently has the fever and he can't wait to do just that. I can't wait for the kids to go visit other family so that I can go for a walk alone. It has been three months since I have done that. I love having my kids with me but I think every mother has days that they wish they could just be alone. Today is one of those days. A nap, that's what I need...A nap.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Only 7 Days...

Just seven days until we drive home to Montana for a visit. We are all excited, but no one more than the kids who keep asking if they can stay there and not come back. My husband is also pretty happy because he is so stressed out and can’t wait to go hunting. It is his time to relax, although I jut don’t understand using hunting and relaxing in the same sentence. I have tried it and it is anything but relaxing. Tiring? Yes. An adrenaline rush? Most definitely. But relaxing……ah, no.
Mostly my husband keeps talking about how he just wants to be out in the woods without saying he is going to work. I can understand that. Someone who loves the woods can learn to hate it when they have to be out in it from morning to night in snow and rain and cold and heat.
I just want to go home so that I can have someone to talk to that has the same interests as me and respect for kids in the room when they talk. People who want to talk to me and don’t roll their eyes when I come in the door.
Christmas is coming and I will not be in any craft fairs this year and my candle business is non existent just like my hubby thought it would be. He said it wouldn’t go because I didn’t have to time or money to start it. He was right. I don’t even have any scrapbooking things done so even if I could find a fair here, I couldn’t enter it. There goes my extra Christmas money.
I called my sister today because I could not remember how to make a certain recipe she gave me. She sounded happy and seems to love her job and schooling. I sure wish I was closer to her; we are old enough now that we might actually be great friends. I also think she would enjoy being around my girls….although she says she never wanted any girls because they “squeal” all the time. Well, I can’t argue with that one, but she likes pretty clothes and doing hair, so I think she would have a blast with my girls just like I did with her boys. I miss her.