Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Just Waiting

Well, Hubby is back to work and now that we have the money to pay rent and get out of my parent's house....I can't find a place to rent! LOL
I keep searching, thinking that there is a house that is perfect for us and we just haven't found it yet.
My sister called and she will coming for a visit soon. Haven't seen her in awhile and apparently her in-laws are both ill and they need to come home for a few days. I will be praying for them all.
Since my husband is gone, all I can do is think about him. I hate sleeping alone, I hate eating without him, I hate driving around town without him, because usually he and I use that time to talk. I call him every night but it seems like there isn't much to say. I know he is only going to be gone for a few days at a time, but to me it seems like forever. I am afraid to rent a house and find that he doesn't like it, but at the same time, I want him to be able to come HOME when he gets back.
My kids are doing so good in school that it is almost scary. My oldest is on the honor roll...still haven't figured that one out since he won't do most of his homework, or hides it and forgets to turn it in, but all of his teachers think he is the best kid they have ever had in class. Wish he was like that at home. He has gotten really mouthy and mean lately. My middle child is a great speller, loves art and crafts, and has learned all of her multiplication tables in less than a month. She is a student leader also. She is my one child I have to tip-toe around because she is very sensitive and cries at the drop of a hat for no reason. She is very big for her age and I think puberty is coming early. Her fingernails are so long and perfect that they could put salons out fo business! My youngest is always acting like she is in her terrible twos even tho she is almost 6, but she gets all kinds of praise at school and they love her. They tell me she is so quiet! ya, right. Anyway, she is learning to read. So happy about that. The schools are thinking about putting 4th grade in junior high this next year and my kids are pretty upset about that. My youngest was suppose to go to the same school as her older sister next year and now she may not be able to.
Anyway, things are happening. Slowly but surely. I still haven't found a job, but I figure the Lord has plans and wants me here to be with the kids when they happen.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Saw your post over at my blog and had to respond since you're a Montanan! I grew up in Edgar (south of Laurel/Billings) and went to school at Class C Fromberg. Always have to touch base with someone from MT, not to mention someone that likes the Hawks!