Monday, June 19, 2006

Thank Goodness for Working

Yes, I know, I fought it all the way and all I wanted was to be a stay at home mom. Well, I worked for a few months and then took a week off..........BIG MISTAKE! I couldn't wait to get back to work. Those kids were driving me nuts! I almost locked myself in a spider infested basement to get away..........

Well, now that I am back to work, things are calmer, but I am missing the fighting again.

Yesterday was Father's day and we went to the lake with Hubby and caught some fish. Saw a Big moose in the pond by the house and then a huge Bull Elk next to the house. I am really getting tired of the guys shooting all the ground squirrels and birds that I watch all day long when I am home. I planted a garden and now the cat is into it and so are the deer. Not sure what to do about that part of it. I also have issues with my car and the brakes. I hope nothing serious since I live 20 miles from town, but I don't work for a couple of days so maybe things will work themselves out by then.

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