Friday, November 14, 2008

I hate to hear...

I can't, or I don't know...

I called my cell phone provider to tell them that my hubby is getting laid off and we need to change our plan...LOL, what a joke. We have 700 minutes, we only use 100, but the best they can do is change it to 500, which is only 10 bucks cheaper each month. Thanks.
Then I call the insurance company to change my car to Liability instead of full coverage and they tell me that they don't know what the minimum liability required in Montana is. Then they tell me that my bill will still be over a 1,000 dollars every 6 months! We are both over 25, have no accidents or tickets, took driver's ed and have three rigs on the plan, but it is still so high we can hardly take it. And then to make it worse, our bill went up because in our state and zip code, tons of people hit deer, elk, moose, they upped the rates here. Now I am paying for other people having accidents too! Get ahold of me and I will tell you who NOT to buy your car insurance from!

My girls have a girl scout thing in the morning so no sleeping in for me. I have tons of cleaning to do but my back won't let me and I am so tired all the time I can't seem to get motivated. Hubby wants to take me hunting to spend some time together, but we can't get rid of the kids this weekend so I might not be able to go.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hard times again...

Well, today we got more bad news that my hubby may lose his job. Most of the logging around here is shutting down since this economy thing has happened. I am starting to get scared. We just get comfortable, no worries, buy new things, put a down payment on land and then I get my hours cut and he is going to lose his altogether. Christmas is coming and things are always hard during breakup, but at least we have cash, now we won't.

My son came home with an F on his report card - in ART CLASS. I cannot believe it. Don't even know what to say about that one. His teacher says he knows everything, won't listen and talks all the time. Puberty.

Had lunch with mom today, she looks tired and frazzled. Hope she isn't getting sick again, but I will pray for her and hopefully we won't lose her anytime soon. Last spring's scare was too much for me.

Put in an application at the CARD clinic today, cannot wait to get a job there. They pay excellent and treat people decent from what I have heard. I wish I could feel important at my job the way I used to but now I just feel like they only want me there to do the things no one else wants to do. No respect at all.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Wow, a loooong time!

How crazy, it has been forever since I posted last. A lot has happened. I am still working at the printing press and we started a newspaper. My kids are getting so big I hardly recognize them. My youngest is sick today so we stayed home and watched television all day.

We adopted two black lab puppies...Don't EVER do that! Huge mistake. We couldn't decide which one we wanted and there were only two left and I had this great idea that if we had two, they could occupy themselves! HAHAHAHAHA ya, whatever. They bark, howl, bite, growl, lick you to death and dig holes like crazy. Can't put them on a chain cause they figured out how to take their collars off...and eat them. They are in a kennel, but we have to chain that shut or they can get out of that one too. They had a beautiful dog house, well insulated for winter. They ripped out the insulation and ate that, got sick and puked. Then they tore out all the cardboard in the roof, shewed the wood doorway a size bigger...Oh my gosh.

My son shot a cow elk the other day so we have meat in the freezer again, which is good cause we are just about out. My husband got a really good job but now with the economy the way it is, he is losing hours fast. My back went out and I thought I was dying, then a year later they tell me that I have a herniated disk and that is why I haven't been doing any better. I can hardly move half the time, can't lift or bend, and my head is always hurting too. But I am alive, thank the Lord for that.

Anyway, I hope to post more often, Talk soon....