Friday, November 14, 2008

I hate to hear...

I can't, or I don't know...

I called my cell phone provider to tell them that my hubby is getting laid off and we need to change our plan...LOL, what a joke. We have 700 minutes, we only use 100, but the best they can do is change it to 500, which is only 10 bucks cheaper each month. Thanks.
Then I call the insurance company to change my car to Liability instead of full coverage and they tell me that they don't know what the minimum liability required in Montana is. Then they tell me that my bill will still be over a 1,000 dollars every 6 months! We are both over 25, have no accidents or tickets, took driver's ed and have three rigs on the plan, but it is still so high we can hardly take it. And then to make it worse, our bill went up because in our state and zip code, tons of people hit deer, elk, moose, they upped the rates here. Now I am paying for other people having accidents too! Get ahold of me and I will tell you who NOT to buy your car insurance from!

My girls have a girl scout thing in the morning so no sleeping in for me. I have tons of cleaning to do but my back won't let me and I am so tired all the time I can't seem to get motivated. Hubby wants to take me hunting to spend some time together, but we can't get rid of the kids this weekend so I might not be able to go.

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