Tuesday, November 01, 2005

What a week...

I think when you visit family you should only stay about 5 days. 2 to chat about all you've been up to, one to relax, one to pack up and one to say goodbye. LOL After that everyone gets uncomfortable and cranky. That is where I am. We are leaving tomorrow to go back to utah and I am tired, cranky, and wishing for my own space again. My mother is doing well compared to what I thought would happen, but she is not used to all the noise and clutter and I am sure she can't wait for us to leave.

My husband did what he came to do. He bagged a 5x5 Bull Elk the other day that is going to cost us nearly 300 bucks after it is cut up and packaged. Oh well, he had a good time and he worked hard for that money so I guess he deserves it. This is my son's first year hunting and he seems to be pretty slow and can't quite get close enough to shoot anything even when it stands and waits for him. He is a perfectionist so things have to be just right or he won't pull the trigger. He doesn't understand that this is our entire years meat and that he just has to do it.

I have been packing all morning and it seems like we are ready to go when something else is found that needs a box. Our truck is short and I am not sure how in the world all of this is going to fit...plus we have a cat and a dog that have to fit in there somewhere. This should be lots of fun, huh?!

See you in Utah in a few days! I will post some Halloween and Elk pictures then.

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