Monday, August 29, 2005

And More For Today...

Sometimes you meet people that are so nice it shocks you. People that you dreaded meeting before you did.
Today my father in law got a call that had to be returned immediately. I decided to run up to the job with the kids, knowing that the land owner was going to be home and I didn't want to intrude on his property like I did the other day. Well, when we got there, not only did he fix the swing set for the kids, turn on the trailer water so the girls could use the toilet, and offer us a pop, but he also picked me the last Iris in his flower garden! He talked to me for a good hour, showed me where the keys to the house are hidden and which spring has the best water on his property. Probably close to the sweetest man I have ever met. Must have tons of patience because he has 10 kids and 35 grandkids. Hubby says he must be populating the world! LOL
We had a wonderful day and no rain or wind. Just goes to show that things are not always as bad as they seem and doing something you dread just might be good for you.

Busy, Busy

It has been a very busy couple of days. The guys worked Saturday and would have worked Sunday also but a hose broke on the loader and they couldn't get the part that day. Last night the loader operator cooked some huge steaks on the grill. They were really good and even better because I didn't have to cook them. My oldest girl had three helpings and wound up with another stomach ache.
Might take the kids swimming today in between doing laundry and dishes, and cleaning up the house. That shouldn't be too hard, the girls are loving the dusting, sweeping, and swiffering. Just afraid of the rash the youngest will get when she goes in the lake. Not sure what is in that water, everyone swims in it, but she gets a rash all over.
By the way.....what is the deal with men? Why do they always have to be looking at your chest when you are facing forward and your butt when you are turned around? I feel so self conscious sometimes and have to leave the room. Especially this morning when me and the skinny girl were making lunches. All the men were in the room watching us.....of course, just being with skinny girl makes me feel bad.....but not one guy said a word. They just stared at us!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Family Time

It seems like we don't get much of it. Hubby is either working or doing his own thing, or I am too tired or not feeling well. But yesterday we had a wonderful day and I can't wait to get out and do it again. We took the kids up on his job and spent the day watching him cut down dead trees, skid them and even took a trip down to the creek for awhile. The kids had a blast and so did we.
It looks like I may not have to worry about the brother in law too much longer. Another truck driver is coming and needs a place to stay so we can either find him a place to rent or one for ourselves. Sounds great to me and the brother in law wants us to go, so I will be spending the day trying to find a place close to the job. The highway is very good but winds and turns cause a ton of accidents in summer.....which means winter is worse and I would rather not have hubby driving it every day to work so town is pretty much out of the question.
We spent the evening searching for answers last night. Why does it seem like it is right in front of you until you want to see it? We found a huge spider on the wall last night and I caught it in a water bottle. Only to find out it looks a lot like a recluse. They said they don't have them here, but some guy got bit by one the other day and so I had to know for sure. We checked it out really good and the eyes are not the same, but besides that it is just like one. I am calling the university today and having them check it out for me just to make sure. I just got away from the cousin of this darn thing and I don't need to go from bad to worse!!
I am starting to miss my scrapbooking so bad I could scream!! I can't wait to go home for a visit and bring my supplies back with me. The kids are very excited about a visit and would like to stay longer, but I think a week is all we can do without putting ourselves in another financial bind. It isn't like we aren't already, but the whole reason for moving here was to try and fix what went wrong.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Another Day

Well, I took the girls to town yesterday and we went grocery shopping. Stopped at the dollar store and it totally surprised me when the only thing the youngest asked for was a stool so that she could reach the sink when she brushes her teeth. Of course, I bought it.
I have been chasing Magpies off of the porch all morning. They steal the dog's food, eat the garbage and now are stealing the kids' mudpuppies out of the bowl. Now I am wishing I had not made such a big deal out of my husband and son shooting at them. LOL
One of the new workers is paying me to do his laundry and dishes now. I don't mind, I don't have anything else to do, but I like the idea of having some spending cash so I didn't say anything. The kids are doing well with their schoolwork, and the only part I don't like about homeschooling is that my step son will sit here for over an hour a day and only read one page, refuse to do the writing, etc. I have tried every form of discipline that is legal and nothing works, he is extremely disrespectful and doesn't care what I do. I am sure he will learn soon that if he would just do it, he could go on about his business a lot faster. But for now, he is testing me.
No trouble with the brother in law yesterday either, but he was sick so he spent most of his time in his room.
I may blog a bit more later......For now, I am going napping.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

From Montana to Utah

Ok, so it isn't the smartest move I have ever made. But my husband has a great idea and we pack up and take off with the kids in tow. Everyone is mad at me, I am being selfish supposedly. But I know I can take care of my kids and I really want to be with my husband so here I am.
The drive was good, although long and tiring. Sleeping in the car was no fun, and my cat almost died. But hey, we made it.
I think I may have to kill a certain brother in law soon. He is very rude, inconsiderate and annoying. He does things to make me angry. I guess at his age he thinks it's pretty funny. Like going to the store last night........I do the cooking so I give him a list of things it is his turn to buy. Hamburger is one of them, also eggs, carrots, and pop. He doesn't like the pop so he doesn't get it, he thinks we have enough eggs, so doesn't get those, no carrots, and 1 pound of hamburger to feed all these people. OK, so I blow up and I won't make dinner tonight with the excuse that I didn't have what I needed, right?
We live on a lake, so the kids and I took a swim yesterday.....ok, so I watched. I hate water. I swim really well, just hate getting wet. My oldest girl took a header into the fish pond a few days ago and I think I did really well getting her out without getting in too far.
My husband works in the woods and found the cutest baby bunny the other day. He brought it home to our youngest daughter and she was soooo excited. But over night it suddenly disappears, and with a lid and a brick on top of the box, I know someone let it go. She is heartbroken and I think it is the loader operator who did it. He didn't like the idea of a wild rabbit that might have rabies around his rabbit eating dog.
Well, the sun is just coming up on the lake and I think I will wake the kids and head off to town to pick up that hamburger and stuff. LOL