Saturday, August 27, 2005

Family Time

It seems like we don't get much of it. Hubby is either working or doing his own thing, or I am too tired or not feeling well. But yesterday we had a wonderful day and I can't wait to get out and do it again. We took the kids up on his job and spent the day watching him cut down dead trees, skid them and even took a trip down to the creek for awhile. The kids had a blast and so did we.
It looks like I may not have to worry about the brother in law too much longer. Another truck driver is coming and needs a place to stay so we can either find him a place to rent or one for ourselves. Sounds great to me and the brother in law wants us to go, so I will be spending the day trying to find a place close to the job. The highway is very good but winds and turns cause a ton of accidents in summer.....which means winter is worse and I would rather not have hubby driving it every day to work so town is pretty much out of the question.
We spent the evening searching for answers last night. Why does it seem like it is right in front of you until you want to see it? We found a huge spider on the wall last night and I caught it in a water bottle. Only to find out it looks a lot like a recluse. They said they don't have them here, but some guy got bit by one the other day and so I had to know for sure. We checked it out really good and the eyes are not the same, but besides that it is just like one. I am calling the university today and having them check it out for me just to make sure. I just got away from the cousin of this darn thing and I don't need to go from bad to worse!!
I am starting to miss my scrapbooking so bad I could scream!! I can't wait to go home for a visit and bring my supplies back with me. The kids are very excited about a visit and would like to stay longer, but I think a week is all we can do without putting ourselves in another financial bind. It isn't like we aren't already, but the whole reason for moving here was to try and fix what went wrong.

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