Monday, August 29, 2005

And More For Today...

Sometimes you meet people that are so nice it shocks you. People that you dreaded meeting before you did.
Today my father in law got a call that had to be returned immediately. I decided to run up to the job with the kids, knowing that the land owner was going to be home and I didn't want to intrude on his property like I did the other day. Well, when we got there, not only did he fix the swing set for the kids, turn on the trailer water so the girls could use the toilet, and offer us a pop, but he also picked me the last Iris in his flower garden! He talked to me for a good hour, showed me where the keys to the house are hidden and which spring has the best water on his property. Probably close to the sweetest man I have ever met. Must have tons of patience because he has 10 kids and 35 grandkids. Hubby says he must be populating the world! LOL
We had a wonderful day and no rain or wind. Just goes to show that things are not always as bad as they seem and doing something you dread just might be good for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is interesting, but have to admit I feel like a peeping tom looking into your life.

Love Gin