Wednesday, August 24, 2005

From Montana to Utah

Ok, so it isn't the smartest move I have ever made. But my husband has a great idea and we pack up and take off with the kids in tow. Everyone is mad at me, I am being selfish supposedly. But I know I can take care of my kids and I really want to be with my husband so here I am.
The drive was good, although long and tiring. Sleeping in the car was no fun, and my cat almost died. But hey, we made it.
I think I may have to kill a certain brother in law soon. He is very rude, inconsiderate and annoying. He does things to make me angry. I guess at his age he thinks it's pretty funny. Like going to the store last night........I do the cooking so I give him a list of things it is his turn to buy. Hamburger is one of them, also eggs, carrots, and pop. He doesn't like the pop so he doesn't get it, he thinks we have enough eggs, so doesn't get those, no carrots, and 1 pound of hamburger to feed all these people. OK, so I blow up and I won't make dinner tonight with the excuse that I didn't have what I needed, right?
We live on a lake, so the kids and I took a swim yesterday.....ok, so I watched. I hate water. I swim really well, just hate getting wet. My oldest girl took a header into the fish pond a few days ago and I think I did really well getting her out without getting in too far.
My husband works in the woods and found the cutest baby bunny the other day. He brought it home to our youngest daughter and she was soooo excited. But over night it suddenly disappears, and with a lid and a brick on top of the box, I know someone let it go. She is heartbroken and I think it is the loader operator who did it. He didn't like the idea of a wild rabbit that might have rabies around his rabbit eating dog.
Well, the sun is just coming up on the lake and I think I will wake the kids and head off to town to pick up that hamburger and stuff. LOL

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