Monday, August 29, 2005

Busy, Busy

It has been a very busy couple of days. The guys worked Saturday and would have worked Sunday also but a hose broke on the loader and they couldn't get the part that day. Last night the loader operator cooked some huge steaks on the grill. They were really good and even better because I didn't have to cook them. My oldest girl had three helpings and wound up with another stomach ache.
Might take the kids swimming today in between doing laundry and dishes, and cleaning up the house. That shouldn't be too hard, the girls are loving the dusting, sweeping, and swiffering. Just afraid of the rash the youngest will get when she goes in the lake. Not sure what is in that water, everyone swims in it, but she gets a rash all over.
By the way.....what is the deal with men? Why do they always have to be looking at your chest when you are facing forward and your butt when you are turned around? I feel so self conscious sometimes and have to leave the room. Especially this morning when me and the skinny girl were making lunches. All the men were in the room watching us.....of course, just being with skinny girl makes me feel bad.....but not one guy said a word. They just stared at us!

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