Friday, September 30, 2005

Things are nuts...

Wow, it seems like things never seem to go our way. Just when we think that the money is starting to roll in, something goes wrong and we have a week of no work. But some good news...The new Stroker (delimber) came today and the guys are having a blast trying it out. It sure is funny how men get so excited about pieces of heavy equipment. They are all like kids in a candy store.
We were supposed to be home in Montana this week, but things didn't work out that way and so now the plans have changed. We hope to be back there for two week at the end of October while the men go on their annual hunting and camping trip. There is another exciting thing for men...Hunting Elk. They just get so giddy when they hear that huge animal Bugle and charge at them. Every year it is the same routine. They start getting excited about September and watch a ton of hunting videos, then they start buying things and cleaning guns, until the time comes when they decide to go camping and spend a week without showers and wearing female elk urine to attrack the big one. Then when the snow finally hits, they are out the door and don't come back for a couple of weeks. I guess it's a man thing.
With my husband, the snowmobile season starts right after that and he is gone again. I suppose I would rather he did that than went out partying and chasing other women so I let him do it without any complaints from me.
The kids are getting excited about Halloween now and have even decided what they want to be. I love watching them get happy about holidays because my parents did everything in their power to make holidays special for me. I sometimes wonder if they felt the same way about us kids as I do about mine when they smile.

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